Select Publications
Deep mutational scans of XBB.1.5 and BQ.1.1 reveal ongoing epistatic drift during SARS-CoV-2 evolution
Taylor, AL, TN Starr.
PLOS Pathogens 19(12):e1011901.
Broad receptor tropism and immunogenicity of a clade 3 sarbecovirus
Lee, J, SK Zepeda, YJ Park, AL Taylor, J Quispe, C Stewart, EM LEaf, C Treicel, D Corti, NP King, TN Starr, D Veesler.
Cell Host & Microbe 31:19661-1973.
ACE2 binding is an ancestral and evolvable trait of sarbecoviruses
Starr, TN*,†, SK Zepeda*, AC Walls, AJ Greaney, D Veesler†, JD Bloom†.
Nature 603:913-918.
Featured on This Week in Virology and BBC Science in Action podcasts
Shifting mutational constraints in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain during viral evolution
Starr, TN*,†, AJ Greaney*, WW Hannon, AN Loes, K Hauser, JR Dillen, E Ferri, A Ghez Farrell, B Dadonaite, M McCallum, KA Matreyek, D Corti, D Veesler, G Snell, JD Bloom†.
Science 377:420-424.
Deep mutational scans for ACE2 binding, RBD expression, and antibody escape in the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 receptor-binding domains
Starr, TN*,†, AJ Greaney*, CM Stewart, AC Walls, WW Hannon, D Veesler, JD Bloom†.
PLOS Pathogens 18:e1010951.
Antibody-mediated broad sarbecovirus neutralization through ACE2 molecular mimicry
Park, Y-J*, A De Marco*, TN Starr*, Z Liu*, D Pinto, AC Walls, F Zatta, SK Zepeda, JE Bowen, KR Sprouse, A Joshi, M Giurdanella, B Guarino, J Noack, R Abdelnabi, SC Foo, LE Rosen, FA Lempp, F Benigni, G Snell, J Neyts, SPJ Whelan, HW Virgin, JD Bloom, D Corti, MS Pizzuto, D Veesler.
Science 375:449-454.
SARS-CoV-2 RBD antibodies that maximize breadth and resistance to viral escape
Starr, TN*, N Czudnochowski*, Z Liu*, F Zatta, YJ Park, A Addetia, D Pino, M Beltramello, P Hernandez, AJ Greaney, R Marzi, WG Glass, I Zhang, AS Dingens, JE Bowen, MA Tortorici, AC Walls, JA Wojcechowskyj, A De Marco, LE Rosen, J Zhou, M Montiel-Ruiz, H Kaiser, JR Dillen, H Tucker, J Bassi, C Silacci-Fregni, MP Housley, J di Iulio, G Lombardo, M Agostini, N Sprugasci, K Culap, S Jaconi, M Meury, E Dellota Jr, R Abdelnabi, SC Foo, E Cameroni, S Stumpf, TI Croll, JC Nix, C Havenar-Daughton, L Piccoli, F Benigni, J Neyts, A Telenti, FA Lempp, MS Pizzuto, JD Chodera, CM Hebner, HW Virgin, SPJ Whelan, D Veesler, D Corti, JD Bloom, G Snell.
Nature 597:97-102.
Prospective mapping of viral mutations that escape antibodies used to treat COVID-19
Starr, TN*, AJ Greaney*, A Addetia, WW Hannon, MC Choudhary, AS Dingens, JZ Li, JD Bloom.
Science 371(6531):850-854.
Featured on NIH Director’s Blog
Complete map of SARS-CoV-2 RBD mutations that escape the monoclonal antibody LY-CoV555 and its cocktail with LY-CoV016.
Starr, TN, AJ Greaney, AS Dingens, JD Bloom.
Cell Reports Medicine, 2(4):100255.
Broad sarbecovirus neutralization by a human monoclonal antibody
Tortorici, MA*, N Czudnochowski*, TN Starr*, R Marzi*, AC Walls, F Zatta, JE Bowen, S Jaconi, J di Iulio, Z Wang, A De Marco, SK Zepeda, D Pinto, Z Liu, M Beltramello, I Bartha, MP Housley, FA Lempp, LE Rosen, E Dellota Jr, H Kaiser, M Montiel-Ruiz, J Zhou, A Addetia, B Guarino, K Culap, N Sprugasci, C Saliba, E Vetti, I Giacchetto-Sasselli, CS Fregni, R Abdelnabi, SC Foo, C Havenar-Daughton, MA Schmid, F Benigni, E Cameroni, J Neyts, A Telenti, HW Virgin, SPJ Whelan, G Snell, JD Bloom, D Corti, D Veesler, MS Pizzuto.
Nature 597:103-108.
Complete mapping of mutations to the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-binding domain that escape antibody recognition
Greaney, AJ*, TN Starr*, P Gilchuk*, SJ Zost*, E Binshtein, AN Loes, SK Hilton, J Huddleston, R Eguia, KHD Crawford, AS Dingens, RS Nargi, RE Sutton, N Suryadevara, PW Rothlauf, Z Liu, SPJ Whelan, RH Carnahan, JE Crowe Jr, JD Bloom.
Cell Host & Microbe 29(1):44-57.
Deep mutational scanning of SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain reveals constraints on folding and ACE2 binding
Starr, TN*, AJ Greaney*, SK Hilton, D Ellis, KHD Crawford, AS Dingens, MJ Navarro, JE Bowen, MA Tortorici, AC Walls, NP King, D Veesler, JD Bloom.
Cell 182(5):1295-1310.
Featured on Science Translational Medicine “In the Pipeline”
Interviewed on This Week in Evolution podcast
Featured in Quanta Magazine
Pervasive contingency and irreversibility in a billion years of Hsp90 evolution
Starr, TN*, JM Flynn*, P Mishra*, DNA Bolon, JW Thornton.
PNAS, 115(17):4453-4458.
Alternative evolutionary histories in the sequence space of an ancient protein
Starr, TN, LK Picton, JW Thornton.
Nature, 549:409-413.
Epistasis in protein evolution
Starr, TN, JW Thornton.
Protein Science, 25(7):1204-1218.